Dr Marleen Thijs
Radiology Dept, KULeuven, Belgium.
Dr. Thijs is a specialized physician at the Radiology department. She graduated from the Catholic University of Leuven in 1979. She is a staff member of the Radiology department since 2000 where she was appointed head of the clinic as of January 2008. She was responsible for training the assistants, practicing ultrasound and doppler in all domains (not just abdominal) except for endoscopic prostate and vaginal ultrasound, and perform diagnostic and therapeutic ultrasound guided punctures. She has a special interest in doppler, ultrasound thyroid and ultrasound lymph nodes.
She retired in October 2013. However she is still involved in the international project named “Workshop Implantation Techniques for Venous Access Ports” organized annually by Prof. Dr. Stas (Surgical oncology at the C.U. Leuven) and is still active in teaching thyroid ultrasound techniques. Furthermore she also participates in expeditions to African countries for the training of radiologists and paramedics in ultrasound.
I am teaching in
Neck and Thyroid Ultrasound Course
Sponsored by Sanofi.
Workshop Abdominal Ultrasound
A systematic approach of abdominal ultrasound !