Dr Frauke Gorré
Cardiology Dept, AZ Sint-Lucas, Gent .
Frauke Gorré studied at Ghent University and graduated as a Cardiologist in 2011.
After this, she attended a 1,5 year clinical fellowship Cardiovascular Imaging and Non-Invasive Cardiology at St. Antoniusziekenhuis (The Netherlands) and got familiar with 3D-TEE, cardiac MRI and cardiac CT.
She worked in the cath-lab as imaging specialist during invasive procedures (Mitraclip, TAVI, closure of left atrial appendage, PFO closure) and took part in heartteam meetings on valve surgery.
In 2013 she came back to Belgium to join the Cardiology team at AZ St-Lucas Ghent, a dynamic group of 10 general cardiologists, each having their own areas of interest and expertise.
Besides general cardiology, she focuses on valve disease, TEE, pediatric echocardiography, MRI and stress echo.
She also works as a consulting Cardiologist at the department of Adult Congenital Heart Disease (Prof. Dr. J. De Backer), University Hospital Ghent.
She is a member of the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI) and Belgian Working Group of Non-Invasive Cardiac Imaging (BWGNICI).
I am teaching in
Lung ultrasound: a new tool for the internist
Practical experience brought to us from Italy
Cardiac and aortic ultrasound
Start-to scan program: module 3
Ultrasound in Emergencies Program: Module 2
Echocor & Vascular Access