Stig Walravens

Dr Stig Walravens

Emergency Department , UZ Gent .


Stig Walravens graduated as a medical MD in 2013, and as an emergency physician in 2020 at the University of Ghent. During and in between this training he obtained a certificate in Tropical Medicine and International Health at the Tropical institute of Antwerp and completed internships in Australia, Botswana, Rwanda, Senegal and Ethiopia. He worked for 7 months at the Academic Hospital of Sint Lucas in Ghent before leaving with Médecins Sans Frontières for 6 months for the start-up of a Trauma Hospital in Kunduz Afghanistan. Since November 2021 he is employed as an emergency physician at the University Hospital of Ghent. He did however returned briefly to Médecins Sans Frontières in March 2022 for a 6 weeks medical evacuation project in war-torn Ukraine.
He has a special interest in trauma care, procedural sedation, ultrasound, tropical medicine and humanitarian aid.

I am teaching in
Ultrasound in Emergencies - 2 daagse workshop

Dag 1: 20 feb 2025

Dag 2: 21 feb 2025 

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