Duplex extracranial cerebrovascular system
Learn to scan the neck vessels!
Requested: RIZIV No 18021728
Videoconferentie zaal Cardio, ingang 12, Route 1502, UZGent (Duplex HV)
This course is passed, therefore registrations are closed. Keep an eye out for updates on this course!Description
Doctors in training : 100 euro
Doctors and others: 150 euro
The number of instructors is dependent on the number of participants.
We want to ensure that the hands-on sessions provide enough one on one interaction with the instructors.
The following cancellation policy is in place to endsure that we have the proper number of instructors for each of our courses:
- All registration cancellations must be submitted by email (handsonecho@gmail.com)
- No refunds will be issued for cancellations made less than 14 days prior to the course date
This course is designed for doctors, doctors in training and other health care workers with interest in duplex ultrasonography of the neck blood vessels.
For the beginning echographist (so there is no foreknowledge required), this course is a good introduction in duplex echography.
However, it is advised to have basic knowlegde on B mode and Doppler Ultrasound
Those with already some echo experience can expand their knowledge and ultrasound skills.
- 8.30 – 9:00: Reception and registration
- 9.00 – 9.15: Echo Quiz
- 9.15 - 9.45: Normal echo anatomy of the carotid & vertebral artery
- 9.45 -10.30: Hands-on session 1: normal echo anatomy
- 10.30-10.45: Break
- 10.45-11.15: Echo pathology of the carotid & vertebral artery
- 11.15-11.45: Demonstration of an examination by the teacher
- 11.45-12.45: Hands-on session 2 : pathological echo anatomy (patients)
- 12.45-13.15: Discussion Quiz results
- 13.15: Lunch
- Recognizing the normal extracranial cerebrovascular anatomy
- Understanding the normal vascular physiology in the extracranial CV system and the most frequently occurring pathofysiological changes.
- Learning to adjust the settings of your ultrasound machine in order to optimize image quality.
- Learning to interpret flowsignals in the neck blood vessels using colour flow and pulsed wave doppler mode.
- Learning to perform a duplex of the neck vessels in a standardized manner.
- Learning tips & tricks to visualize neck vessels in an optimal manner and what the pitfalls are.
- Getting an answer to your practical questions: how to grade a stenosis? How to localize the vertebral artery? How to measure the IMT (Intima media thickness) ? …
- Learning how to make a protocol.

Dr Benny Drieghe
Cardiology Dept, UZ Gent, Belgium.

Prof Dr Tine De Backer
Cardiology Dept, UZ Gent, Belgium.
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