Dr Willem Stockman
Anaesthesia / Intensive Care Dept, AZ Delta, Roeselare, Belgium.
Dr Stockman was born in 1966 and trained as an anesthesiologist at UZ Leuven and MGH Boston.
He subspecialized in Intensive Care Medicine again at UZ Leuven.
Since 1997, he works in the department of anesthesia and critical care medicine at the H.-Hart Hospital Roeselare, Belgium, now merging to the AZ Delta Hospital.
His main interests are in the field of acute critical care medicine including prehospital resuscitation and CPR, resuscitation of critically ill patients and interhospital transport of critically ill patients.
Critical care ultrasound has become a major interest and a daily used tool in his unit. Transcranial Doppler is one of his favourite interests. He also routinely use and advocates ultrasound for guidance during many procedures in the intensive care unit, including placement of central lines, arterial lines, pleural drains and nasogastric tubes.
I am teaching in
Holistic Ultrasound in the Intensive Care Unit
Learn to use ultrasound in the point of care!
4th International Fluid Academy Days, CACU course
Organised by iFA: www.fluid-academy.org