Holistic Ultrasound in the Intensive Care Unit
Learn to use ultrasound in the point of care!
Accepted - 4 CP - Approval Nr: 13028412
UZ Gent K12, 13th floor
120 euros
This course is passed, therefore registrations are closed. Keep an eye out for updates on this course!Description
This course is designed for doctors and doctors in training with interest in ultrasonography in emergency medicine and ICU setting.
Both beginning and experienced ultrasonographers are welcome.
Subscribe to this course if you want to learn tips, tricks and practical advice from a world leading expert in this field.
- 8.30 – 9:00: Reception and registration
- 9.00 – 9.15: Tips and tricks on US equipment
- 9.15 – 10.00: Lung ultrasound in the critically ill
- 10.00 -10.15: Coffee break
- 10.15-11.00: Whole body Ultrasonography in the critically ill : What else to look at with US besides the lungs?
- 11.00-13.00: Hands-on session with Prof dr Lichtenstein, Prof Dr Elbers, Dr W Stockman en Dr M Smet
Demonstration of lung ultrasound + hands-on practice
Demonstration of whole body ultrasound + hands-on practice

Prof Dr Daniel Lichtenstein
Intensive Care Dept, Ambroise-Paré, Boulogne (Paris-West), France.

Dr Willem Stockman
Anaesthesia / Intensive Care Dept, AZ Delta, Roeselare, Belgium.

Prof Dr Paul Elbers
Intensive Care Dept, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Dr Mike Smet
Emergency and Intensive Care Dept, ZNA, Antwerp, Belgium.
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