Abdominal Ultrasound Program : Module 1
Focus: normal abdominal anatomy
Requested RIZIV No: 24023139
Boudelozaal 2+3 AZ St Lucas Gent
Register fast before all spots are filled! We have 11 spots left.
In this course you will get a systematic overview of how to scan the abdomen.
You will practice our systematich ultrasound protocol in the hands-on session.
The focus will be on the normal abdominal anatomy.
Doctors in training : 75 euro
Doctors and others: 150 euro
The number of instructors is dependent on the number of participants.
We want to ensure that the hands-on sessions provide enough one on one interaction with the instructors.
The following cancellation policy is in place to endsure that we have the proper number of instructors for each of our courses:
- All registration cancellations must be submitted by email (handsonecho@gmail.com)
- No refunds will be issued for cancellations made less than 14 days prior to the course date
- In case of a cancellation made less than 14 days prior to the course, the amount can be discounted at the subscription for another / the next course, only with provision of a medical certificate.
19.00 - 20.00 h : Learning the systematic abdominal scanning approach
-Viewpoint gastroenterologist
-Viewpoint Nephrologist
20.00 - 22.00 h: Hands-on ultrasound teaching in small groups
Dr Valerie Neirynck
Nephrology Dept, AZ Sint-Lucas, Gent.
Prof Dr Harald Peeters
Gastroenterology Dept, AZ Sint- Lucas Gent.
Dr Simon van Hooland
Nephrology Dept, AZ Sint-Lucas, Gent. Founder of Handsonecho
Dr Frederik de Clerck
Gastroenterology Dept, AZ Sint-Lucas Gent.
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