Dr Simon van Hooland
Nephrology Dept, AZ Sint-Lucas, Gent. Founder of Handsonecho
Simon van Hooland qualified as MD in 2001 at the Catholic University of Leuven. During his Internal Medicine studies, he gained 1 year of ICU experience in Australia, Darwin, NT (2003-2004).In 2005 he started his Nephrology training in UZ Brussel, where he graduated in 2007 as an Internist-Nephrologist. He was active in the Nephrology staff over there as a renal consultant until the end of 2008. Since 2009 he’s working as a nephrologist in AZ St Lucas, Ghent.
He is a general nephrologist with the following areas of interest:
- Dialysis vascular acces
- Medical kidney stone prevention (co-founder of the stone clinic in AZ St Lucas, Ghent)
- Medical ultrasound and teaching in the field of Ultrasound for the Nephrologist. He is the founder of Handsonecho, a Belgian practical ultrasound teaching platform (www.handsonecho.com) where he coordinates ultrasound courses with (inter)national ultrasound experts in a variety of clinical specialties.
He lives in the Ghent area.
In his spare time he likes sports, music, songwriting and vintage guitars. His latest guitar project : www.mojoguitar.be
I am teaching in
Renal Ultrasound & Doppler renal arteries
Scan the kidney and its vessels
Duplex Ultrasound in Dialysis Vascular Access
Course in French, preferably for nephrologists/specialized nurses
4th International Fluid Academy Days, CACU course
Organised by iFA: www.fluid-academy.org
Renal & Abdominal ultrasound lesson
Start-to-scan program: Module 4
Abdominal Echo-Anatomy Course
A Systematic Approach of Abdominal Ultrasound !
Workshop Abdominal Ultrasound
A systematic approach of abdominal ultrasound !
Basics of ultrasound (B Mode and Doppler)
Start-to-scan program: Module 1
e-FAST exam and vascular access
Start-to-scan program: Module 2
The 10th conference of the Vascular Acces Society
VA Ultrasound Course
Cardiac and aortic ultrasound
Start-to scan program: module 3
Abdominal Ultrasound Program : Module 1
Focus: normal abdominal anatomy
Abdominal Ultrasound Program: Module 2
Focus: abdominal pathology
Point of Care Ultrasound voor de Nefroloog
Full day course