Abdominal Echo-Anatomy Course
A Systematic Approach of Abdominal Ultrasound !
Requested. Riziv No. 16018924
Voetweg 19, 9830 St Martens-Latem
295 euro
This course is passed, therefore registrations are closed. Keep an eye out for updates on this course!Description
Focus of the course is the normal abdominal echo-anatomy rather than pathology which will be the topic of a follow-up course. An important part of the workshop will be dedicated to how to scan the abdomen in a systematic way.
For: general practitioners, emergency drs, internists, pediatricians, surgeons,...
8.30- 9.00 : Reception
9.00 – 9.45: Normal echoanatomy of liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen and intestines (Dr J Schouten)
9.45 – 10.15 : Normal echoanatomy of the urogenital system + aorta + most important branches / VCI (Dr S van Hooland)
10.15-10.30: Break
10.30 – 11.00: How to scan the abdomen in a systematic way (Prof Dr Harald Peeters)
11.00-13.00 Hands-on session
13.00: Lunch
In the theoretical part :
Learning / refreshing the normal abdominal ultrasound anatomy + Learning how to scan the abdomen in a systematic way
In the practical part :
Applying theory into practice - Learn by doing

Prof Dr Harald Peeters
Gastroenterology Dept, AZ Sint- Lucas Gent.

Dr Jeoffrey Schouten
Gastroenterology Dept, AZ Nicolaas, St Niklaas.

Dr Simon van Hooland
Nephrology Dept, AZ Sint-Lucas, Gent. Founder of Handsonecho
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