Ultrasound in Emergencies Program: Module 4
eFAST/RUSH protocol-Sim.session
Requested : RIZIV Nr 18030548
Baudelo zalen 2 en 3 (UEP-M4)
100/125/175 euro
This course is passed, therefore registrations are closed. Keep an eye out for updates on this course!Description
This module integrates the content of modules 1-3, and helps to implement the use of all these views into a clinical context. The theoretical basis of the eFAST and RUSH protocol will be reiterated in the first part of this module.
In the second part of the module, simulation sessions on traumatic and medical shock will be integrating clinical reasoning and ultrasound skills into a real-life scenario.
Doctors in training : 100 euro early bird (*before 15.11.2018) , 125 euro late bird
Doctors and others: 125 euro early bird (*before 15.11.2018), 175 euro late bird
* payment received
19-20.00 h: theoretical session
20-21.00 h: practical session
21-22.00 h: theoretical session
22-23.00 h: practical session
With this module, you will get skilled in integrating the use of ultrasound into real-life scenarios and enhance your clinical exam with ultrasound for quicker and more accurate diagnostics and treatment.

Dr Cathelijne Lyphout
Emergency Dept, UZ Gent, Gent.

Dr Catheline Depuydt
Emergency Dept., AZ Sint-Lucas, Gent.

Dr David Van Grembergen
Emergency Dept, AZ Sint-Lucas, Gent.
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