Ultrasound in Emergencies Program: 4 Modules
14.03, 17.06, 21.10 and 18.11.2019
Baudelozalen 2 & 3 - UEP 2019
350/500 euro
This course is passed, therefore registrations are closed. Keep an eye out for updates on this course!Description
Our comprehensive ultrasound program covers 4 modules:
14.03.2019 : Module 1 : Introduction, knobology, eFAST: normal and pathologic findings.
17.06.2019 : Module 2 : Basic Echocardiography and Vascular Access.
21.10.2019 : Module 3 : AAA and Gynaecological Emergencies.
18.11.2019 : Module 4 : RUSH protocol + Integration of content Module 1-3 into a clinical context + Simulation Sessions on traumatic and medical shock.
Admission (for the 4 modules together):
Doctors in training : 350 euro
Doctors and others: 500 euro
If there are spots available, you can also choose to attend one or more modules separately.
In this case, do not register HERE for the whole program (4 modules), but starting from the end of february 2019 you can choose your module(s) of interest in the "View All Courses" section.
The number of instructors is dependent on the number of participants.
We want to ensure that the hands-on sessions provide enough one on one interaction with the instructors.
The following cancellation policy is in place to endsure that we have the proper number of instructors for each of our courses:
- All registration cancellations must be submitted by email (handsonecho@gmail.com)
- No refunds will be issued for cancellations made less than 14 days prior to the course date
- In case of a cancellation made less than 14 days prior to the course, the amount can be discounted at the subscription for another / the next course, only with provision of a medical certificate.
Each Module covers 4 hours of teaching :
19-20.00 h: theoretical session
20-21.00 h: practical session
21-22.00 h: theoretical session
22-23.00 h: practical session
Module 1:
The first part of this module is an introduction to the use of an ultrasound machine, focusing on practical aspects: use of different modes, knobology and artefacts.
In the second part of this module the eFAST protocol (extended Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma) will be taught in a theoretical session (views, indications, limitations) and a hands-on session with the ultrasound machine.
With this module you will understand the basics of ultrasound, and will be able to start using ultrasound for the detection of free abdominal fluid in the context of trauma.
RIZIV accreditation nr 19036335
Module 2:
In the first part of this module the basics of echocardiography, required for assessment of shock, will be taught in a theoretical and practical session.
In the second part, ultrasound guided vascular access techniques will be explained theoretically, followed by a hands-on session on phantoms for IV access.
With this module you will be able to get the four basic views of cardiac ultrasound, and will be able to recognize poor/moderate/good function, recognise important right ventricular dilation and detect pericardial fluid.
You will know the appropriate techniques for ultrasound guided vascular access and a practical guidance to learn a good ultrasound-needle coördination.
RIZIV accreditation nr : 19036337
Module 3:
The first part deals with ultrasound of the abdominal aorta for exclusion of an aneurysma of the abdominal aorta (AAA).
In the second part, basics of gynaecological ultrasound for exclusion of extra-uterine pregnancy will be taught, and other gynaecological ultrasound diagnoses will be touched.
With this module, you will be able to recognize a normal aorta and exclude a AAA if good visualisation is possible.
You will be able to recognise an intra-uterine pregnancy and free intra-abdominal fluid, suggestive for an extra-uterine pregnancy. You will know which pathologies can be seen on ultrasound by the gynaecologist, and get a short introduction to these views.
RIZIV accreditation nr: 19059808
Module 4:
This module integrates the content of module 1-3, and helps to implement the use of all these views into a clinical context. The theoretical basis of the eFAST and RUSH protocol will be reiterated in the first part of this module.
In the second part of the module, simulation sessions on traumatic and medical shock will be integrating clinical reasoning and ultrasound skills into a real-life scenario.
With this module, you will get skilled in integrating the use of ultrasound into real-life scenarios and enhance your clinical exam with ultrasound for quicker and more accurate diagnostics and treatment.
RIZIV accreditation nr : 19059810

Dr Cathelijne Lyphout
Emergency Dept, UZ Gent, Gent.

Dr Catheline Depuydt
Emergency Dept., AZ Sint-Lucas, Gent.

Dr David Van Grembergen
Emergency Dept, AZ Sint-Lucas, Gent.

Dr Cedric Coucke
Vascular Surgery Dept, AZ Sint-Lucas, Gent.

Dr Inge Dierickx
Obstetrics & Gynaecology Dept, AZ Sint-Lucas, Gent.

Dr Bart Bronselaer
Obstetrics & Gynaecology Dept, AZ Sint-Lucas, Gent .

DR Roel De Smet
Emergency Dept, AZ Sint-Lucas Ghent. .
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